Call for comments


In order for the laws of our kingdom to help us function better, we need to revise them from time to time. The Seneschal of Drachenwald has appointed a Law Council to consider adjustments to our laws, to consult the members and participants in Drachenwald, and based on that work to recommend changes to the Seneschal and Crown who may then choose to discuss these changes at a future Curia.

These proposed Drachenwald law changes continue gender neutral changes in Section 6, Section 11 and 13. Officer requirements for all branch levels are more well defined in section 6.04.1. There is also a proposal to move the Social Media office from the Kingdom Web minister to Kingdom Seneschal. Fuller descriptions of all changes are below.

Giving feedback on the draft law proposals

We are asking you to take a moment to read the proposals and share your thoughts via the provided form. The period for commenting on the following draft law proposals ends on December 28. You can always reach the Law Council at

Draft proposal to change Drachenwald Law section 6


The main motivation behind these changes is to remove gender specificity where it isn’t needed or it is inconsistent with other parts of the law. A secondary set of changes is to make the text of the law consistent regarding terminology and capitalization.

Reasoning for particular changes: (6.01-6.03) References to Prince/Princess in Principality territories have been replaced by the term Coronet. This term is used in the same context as Crown.

(6.05) References to Baron/Baroness have been replaced by the general term Baronial Rulers. Section has been added to define Baron, Baroness and Baronex titles.

(6.04.1) Officer requirements are more fully defined at the Principality, Barony and local branch levels. These are the requirements found in Corpora.

A few wording changes have also been made in certain sections.


In the law text below, added text is bold and removed text is marked with strikethrough.

Proposed law text


6.01 Duties and Rights of Territorial Princes and Princesses Coronets

6.01.1 The Territorial Coronet Princes and Princesses may award arms to their subjects by the gracious permission of the Crown.

6.01.2 The Territorial Coronet Princes and Princesses may acknowledge the attainment of Viscounty rank by the previous Territorial Coronet. and those without a Patent of Arms by some other Peerage shall be polled for one. The Principality Seneschal shall conduct this poll 2 months prior to the Principality Tournament by a poll of all Patent Holding Royal Peers within the Principality. The results of the poll will be submitted to the Crown 30 days in advance of the Tournament. If, after the polling, the Crown decides that the Prince and/or Princess meets Corpora standards, the Crown may then bestow the Patent and have the writ prepared by the Signet in time for the Tournament. The writ may be presented by the new Prince and Princess in the Crowns’ name if the Crown is not available at the Tournament. If one or both of the outgoing Territorial Coronet is without a Patent of Arms, they shall be polled for one. Two months before the Principality Tournament the Principality Seneschal shall poll all Patent Holding Royal Peers within the principality. The results of the poll will be submitted to the Crown 30 days before the Coronet Tournament. If, after the polling, the Crown decides that one or both of the outgoing Territorial Coronet, as the case may, meet(s) Corpora standards, the Crown may then bestow the Patent and have the writ prepared by the Signet in time for the Coronet Tournament. The writ may be presented by the new Coronet in the Crown’s name if the Crown is not available at the Coronet Tournament.

6.01.3 In specific instances, the Crown may delegate, to a Territorial Coronet Prince and Princess, the transmission of an award to an individual named and selected by the Crown.

6.01.4 The Territorial Coronet Princes and Princesses hold their Principality in Fealty to the Crown. This fealty must be presented at Coronation. If unable to attend, the Territorial Coronet Prince and Princess will provide fealty to the Crowns prior to the day scheduled for Coronation.

6.02 Concerning the Creation of a Principality

6.02.1 At the time that principality status is granted: The first Coronet Tournament shall be scheduled and will be held under the supervision of the Crown of Drachenwald. The Coronet will be open to all otherwise eligible entrants, as defined in Kingdom and proposed Principality law, who reside within the boundaries of the incipient Principality. The Drachenwald Crown and their successors at the time of the Coronet tournament are ineligible to participate in that list as either combatants or consorts. The Crown of Drachenwald shall invest the first Coronet of the new Principality; thereafter all Investitures shall take place in accordance with the customs of the Principality.

6.03 Concerning the Separation of a Principality

6.03.1 After Kingdom status is authorised by the Board of Directors: The next scheduled Coronet Tournament will become the first Crown Tournament of the incipient Kingdom and will be held under the supervision of the Crown of Drachenwald. The Crown Tournament will be open to all otherwise eligible entrants with the single exception that it be restricted to residents within the boundaries of the incipient Kingdom. The Crown of Drachenwald and the Heirs Crown Prince and Princess of the incipient Kingdom will negotiate a treaty which will list the new territorial boundaries, and anything else they deem necessary.

6.03.2 At the time of Separation: The Coronet will return the Principality to Drachenwald and take their rightful places among the Viscounty. The Crown of Drachenwald shall crown the Heirs Crown Prince and Princess of the incipient Kingdom as its first Sovereign and Consort. The respective Crowns The Crown of Drachenwald and the Crown of the new kingdom shall formally sign the treaty into effect.

6.04 Branch Required Officers

6.04.1 All branches of Drachenwald of Baronial/Provincial level or greater are should have, at a minimum, the following officers:

  • Seneschal
  • Herald
  • Exchequer
  • Knight Marshal
  • Minister of Arts and Sciences
  • Chronicler

6.04.1 All branches of Drachenwald of Principality level should have, at a minimum, the following officers: Seneschal, Herald, Exchequer, Marshal, Minister of Arts and Sciences and Chronicler.

6.04.2 All branches of Drachenwald of Baronial/Provincial level should have at least 4 officers, including a Seneschal, an Exchequer, a Chronicler, and one of the following: a Herald, a Marshal, or a Minister of Arts and Sciences.

6.04.3 All branches of Drachenwald below Baronial/Provincial level should have at least 3 officers, including a Seneschal and an Exchequer, and one of the following: a Herald, a Marshal, a Minister of Arts and Sciences, or a Chronicler.

6.05 Territorial Baronies

6.05.1 Territorial Baronies may be established within the Kingdom of Drachenwald in accordance with the terms for establishment as outlined within the Corpora. In addition, the following requirements must be met: While the Corpora provide for the basic terms on how territorial baronies are established, Drachenwald has the following extra requirements: The petitioning group must be able to guarantee that meet the minimum requirements specified in Corpora and must be able to guarantee that this minimum will be maintained between the time of filing and the time of approval by the Board of Directors. The petitioning branch must have a sustained record of activities, including the hosting of Principality or Kingdom-wide events. Request for the advancement to baronial status must be coordinated by through the Crown and , as well as the Kingdom Seneschal.

6.05.2 The title of territorial Baron or Baroness shall be awarded by the Crown upon petition by the members of the Barony in question. The rulership of a Baronial fief shall be awarded by the Crown upon petition by the members of the Barony in question. The title of a Baronial ruler shall be Baron, if male, or Baroness, if female, or Baronex, in the event that the Baronial ruler in question wishes to bear a gender neutral title.

6.05.3 When a Barony is left without at least one Baronial ruler either a Baron or Baroness the following procedures are in effect: The outgoing Baronial ruler(s) Baron or Baroness shall appoint a Vicar as a temporary replacement. If this does not occur within ten days of the Baronial ruler(s) Baron’s or Baroness’s departure, the Crown may will appoint a Vicar. The Vicar shall hold no baronial office. Within ninety days of the naming of the Vicar, the membership shall be polled to determine the future of the branch; to remain as a Barony, to change to non-baronial branch status, or dissolve the branch. This polling will be conducted by the Vicar and the Baronial Officers under the supervision of the Kingdom Seneschal. The results of this polling are due to the Crown within thirty days of the poll being taken. If the Barony members wish to dissolve the branch or change to non-baronial status, the Baronial Seneschal will coordinate with the Kingdom Seneschal on the necessary communications with the Society Seneschal, or the Board of Directors through the Society Seneschal. The Vicar shall retire at the end of the transition period. If the Barony members wish to remain a Barony, they must select Baronial ruler(s). a new Baron and/or Baroness. The recommendation process must occur within one year from when the Vicar was named. At this time the group may send a petition to the Crown naming its candidate candidates (either an individual or a couple). The Vicar retires once the proposed Baronial rulership candidate is approved by the Crown. If the Barony members are unable to select a Baronial ruler(s) candidate in the time allowed, the members will be polled to select a non-baronial branch status. The branch may not apply for Baronial status for at least two years. The Vicar retires on the day of the polling.

6.05.4 At any time the members of a Barony may petition the Crown for the appointment of a Baronial ruler Baron/Baroness If a Barony has only a single Baronial ruler, the members of the Barony may petition the Crown for the appointment of an additional Baronial ruler to rule with its current Baronial ruler Baroness/Baron.

6.05.5 If In the event that the members of the Barony in question wish to remove one or both Baronial rulers a territorial Baron and/or Baroness, they must first seek arbitration through the grievance procedure outlined in 12.02.2. If it is the finding of the arbitrators that the best solution to the difficulties is the removal or suspension of either or both Baronial rulers, Baron and Baroness, the membership shall submit a petition to that effect, signed by at least two-thirds of the members, to the Crown. The arbitrators will submit a report of their findings as specified in Drachenwald Law.

6.05.6 Territorial Barons and Baronesses Baronial rulers have the right to give non-armigerous awards and positions of honor.

6.05.7 Territorial Barons and Baronesses Baronial rulers hold their Baronies in Fealty to the Crown. This fealty must be presented at Coronation. If unable to attend, the Territorial Baron and/or Baroness one or both of the Baronial rulers will provide fealty to the Crowns prior to the day scheduled for Coronation.

6.05.8 The length of a single term for a Baronial ruler Territorial Barons and Baronesses is a maximum of two years. After consulting with the members of the Barony, the Crown may, at their discretion, ask one or both of the Baronial rulers the Territorial Baron and/or Baroness to serve another term. It is recommended that no Baronial ruler Territorial Barons and Baronesses serve no more than two consecutive terms.

6.05.9 The Baron and/or Baroness of a Territorial Barony of Any person holding a Baronial fief in Drachenwald must step down from office when no longer residing in the Barony.

6.05.10 Barons and Baronesses of Territorial Baronies of Any person holding a Baronial fief in Drachenwald may participate in the Crown List and, if applicable, a Coronet List. They are required to submit the name of an acceptable candidate for Vicar with other documentation required for participation in the Crown List (see 7.02). Should the Baron or Baroness Baronial rulers be victorious in the Crown or Coronet Tournament, the Vicar assumes responsibility for the Barony immediately. The Vicar must conduct a polling for the new Baronial rulers Baron/Baroness within 90 days.

6.06 Other Branch Organization and Registration

6.06.1 All other branches within the Kingdom (Provinces, Shires, Cantons, etc.) shall be organized and registered in accordance with the Corpora of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

6.07 Local Officers

6.07.1 Local officers are appointed by their kingdom superior officers. The appointments are subject to confirmation by the Crown. Local officers must not be substantively opposed by the people of the local branch, but the final decision regarding their tenure remains with the Crown and Kingdom officers.

6.07.2 Local officers may be removed from office, by their kingdom superior officers. Removals are subject to confirmation by the Crown. The designated successor will assume the office until a replacement can be appointed. If there is no designated successor, the kingdom officer will, subject to the confirmation of the Crown, appoint a replacement, as soon as possible.

6.07.3 Local officers who miss two reports in a twelve month period, as determined by their kingdom superior officers, have resigned. When a local officer is deemed to have resigned in this manner, the officer in question and the Seneschal of the relevant branch shall be notified of the resignation, and informed that the warrant for that officer has been withdrawn.

Draft proposal for Gender Neutrality in sections 11.02.1 and 13.08


The changes in these sections of the law are to make the text of the law consistent regarding gender neutrality, terminology and capitalization.


In the law text below, added text is bold and removed text is marked with strikethrough.

Proposed law text

11.02 Order of the Companions of Albion

11.02.1 This order is conferred by the Sovereign upon those subjects of Drachenwald worthy of recognition for exemplary chivalry, courtesy or service. It is recommended that the Sovereign King present this award no more than one time per reign.

13.08. The order of Precedence of Drachenwald The order of Precedence shall be as follows

  1. King and Queen Sovereign and Consort of Drachenwald
  2. Crown Prince and Crown Princess Crown Heirs of Drachenwald
  3. Direct Crown vassals (territorial Coronets Prince/Princess, Viceregal Rulers Viceroy/Vicereine, or Baron/Baroness Baronial Rulers outside a Principality) in their own lands
  4. Territorial Baron/Baroness Baronial Rulers of within a Principality in their own Barony
  5. Territorial Coronets Prince/Princess
  6. The Crown’s appointed representatives of a Crown Principality (such as a Viceregal Rulers Viceroy/Vicereine)
  7. Duke/Duchess
  8. Count/Countess
  9. Viscount/Viscountess
  10. Bestowed peers
  11. Territorial Baronial Rulers Baron/Baroness
  12. Court Baron/Baroness/Baronex
  13. Awards that carry a grant of arms
  14. Plain grants of arms
  15. Awards that carry an award of arms
  16. Plain awards of arms
  17. Non-armigerous awards
  18. Everyone else

Draft proposal to move the Kingdom Social Media Office to the Kingdom Seneschal


This proposal moves the Kingdom Social Media office responsibility from the Kingdom Web Minister to the Kingdom Seneschal. The Social Media office at SCA corporate level reports to the Society Seneschal. This change makes the Kingdom Social Media reporting consistent with the same reporting structure. It remains a Lesser office.


In the law text below, added text is bold and removed text is marked with strikethrough.

Proposed law text

5.06.13 Social Media Officer Shall be a Lesser Officer, under the direction of the Seneschal. Web Minister. Shall be responsible for overseeing all social media presences within the Kingdom. Shall be responsible for enforcing Society and Kingdom Social Media Policies.

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